
Affiliate Faculty
The Robotics Department is fortunate to have a strong network of affiliate faculty members who contribute to our research and educational programs. These individuals are experts in various fields related to robotics and are dedicated to advancing the field through collaboration and mentorship.
Sophia Brueckner
Stamps School of Art & Design and School of Information
Affiliate Faculty
Research Interests
Science fiction and speculative prototyping, tangible interfaces/haptics, biomimetic and social robotics, social interfaces/networks, generative/algorithmic art and design, and technology ethics.
Judy Jin
Industrial and Operations Engineering
Affiliate Faculty
Research Interests
Statistical methods for quality and reliability engineering with the focus on distributed sensing, dynamic system modeling, online monitoring and diagnosis, and optimal decision-making for improving system design, operations, and maintenance strategies.
Stephane Lafortune
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Affiliate Faculty
Research Interests
System and control theory; discrete event systems; cyber-physical systems. Supervisory control, fault diagnosis, security and privacy in control systems. Formal methods of control. Application to automated and autonomous systems, multi-agent systems, software systems, and computer systems.
Carol Menassa
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Affiliate Faculty
Research Interests
Automation and robotics, particularly as it applies to building sciences and construction engineering. Deploying autonomous robots for environmental data collection in buildings to facilitate automated control of building HVAC systems. Automated construction of built infrastructure in unstructured conditions with large tolerances and weak metrology, enabling human-robot collaboration in complex collaborative tasks.
Lauro Ojeda
Mechanical Engineering
Affiliate Faculty
Research Interests
Mobile robotics, position estimation, sensor fusion, simulation, adaptive systems, control systems and digital signal processing. This research enables projects in the fields of accurate localization and tracking systems for mobile robots and humans.
Chinedum Okwudire
Mechanical Engineering
Affiliate Faculty
Research Interests
Manufacturing Automation: with key applications in 3-D printing, nano-positioning, machining, and smart manufacturing systems; Vehicle Automation: with key applications in electric power assist steering, steer-by-wire, and electric vehicle charging.
Shai Revzen
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Affiliate Faculty
Research Interests
Study of bio-inspired robotics and new methods and mechanisms for control. Scientific study of animal and human locomotion based on nonlinear dynamical systems, and application to design of legged robotic vehicles and other devices.
Peter Seiler
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Affiliate Faculty
Research Interests
Robust control theory which focuses on the impact of model uncertainty on systems design. Co-author of the Robust Control Toolbox in Matlab. Developing theoretical and numerical algorithms to assess the robustness of systems on finite time horizons and use of robust control techniques to better understand optimization algorithms and model-free reinforcement learning methods. Includes advanced control techniques for wind turbines, fault-detection methods for safety-critical systems and robust control of disk drives.
Stella Yu
Computer Science and Engineering
Affiliate Faculty
Research Interests
I study visual perception from multiple perspectives: human vision, computer vision, robotic vision, and artistic vision. To me, visual perception presents not just a fascinating computational problem, but more importantly an intelligent solution for large-scale data mining and pattern recognition applications.
Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences
Affiliate Faculty
Research Interests
Soft robots and human-compatible machines; swarm robots and collective intelligence; robots in extreme environments; far-from-equilibrium physics, long timescale phenomena, and rare events; physics and chemistry of liquids and complex fluids, especially under interfacial/non-equilibrium/extreme conditions; neutron scattering, sources, and instrumentation