Motors, gears, and 3d printed parts

Open-source Projects and Datasets

Project/Dataset Name Description Owner
MBot A low-cost, adaptable ecosystem for teaching robotics with real robots. Robotics Department
AprilTag A visual fiducial system useful for augmented reality robotics and camera calibration APRIL Lab
ARM Lab Github Set Motion planning and manipulation under uncertainty ARM Lab
Constrained Deformable Coherent Point Drift Rope tracking through implementation of tracking partially-occluded deformable objects while enforcing geometric constraints ARM Lab
Robot Kinematics in PyTorch Parallel and differentiable forward kinematics and Jacobian calculation ARM Lab
Biped Robotics Github Set Feedback control of bipedal robots especially the Cassie model from Agility Robotics Biped Lab
FCAV GitHub Set Autonomous vehicle research in real and virtual worlds Ford Center for Autonomous Vehicles
YouCook2 The largest task-oriented instructional video dataset with 2000 untrimmed videos from 89 cooking recipes Corso Research Group
A2D Actor-Action Dataset Dataset for video understanding including action recognition actor recognition and semantic segmentation Corso Research Group
Vortex Library for building real time optical coherence tomography engines in C++ or Python IGMR Lab
Chimpanzee Musculoskeletal Model Model for estimating force and moment-generating capacity of major pelvis and hind limb muscles in chimpanzees Locomotion Lab
Human Musculoskeletal Model Below-knee amputee model accounting for altered anatomy and socket-limb interface dynamics Locomotion Lab
Lower-limb Kinematics Dataset Kinematics and kinetics data of walking at multiple inclines speeds and stair movements Locomotor Control Systems Lab
Warehouse Robot Interaction Sim Open-source immersive virtual platform for research on trust repair in HRI MAVRIC
Open Source Leg Robust and inexpensive prosthetic leg system for research in prosthetic leg controls Neurobionics Lab
Ford Campus Vision and Lidar Data Set Dataset for active safety situational awareness in automotive vehicles PERL Lab
North Campus Long-Term Vision and LIDAR Dataset Dataset collected over 27 sessions across 16 months PERL Lab