Pathways speaker
Share industry insights through our speaker series.

Previous speakers include leaders from Boston Dynamics, NASA JPL, Ford, and other leading robotics organizations. View the Pathway Speaker Series page for more information.
Student teams
Support and mentor student robotics projects.

Support teams like M-Fly, MRacing, Michigan Mars Rover, and Michigan Autonomous Aerial Vehicles. Read more about our student teams.
Career fairs
Connect directly with top robotics talent.

Attend Robotics career fairs to meet rising robotics talent for internships and full-time positions.
ROB 450 and ROB 590
Participate in senior-level and graduate-level robotics courses.
Students complete projects putting their knowledge to use in industry-relevant contexts.
Multidisciplinary Design Program
Collaborate on Michigan Design Program projects.

Collaborate on MDP projects, which form an entire course around industry projects. Read more about the program.
Sponsored research
Funded research projects to advance robotics.

Projects can range in scope from an exploratory effort to a multi-year, joint engagement.
Industry-University Research Partnerships
Join our Industry-University Research Centers.

National Science Foundation IUCRCs tackle national challenges in robotics with many benefits to industry. Read about one focused on Digital Twins in Manufacturing and one on Autonomous Air Mobility.
Centers, chairs, and facilities
Fund and access research facilities and establish collaborations.

Roboticists at Michigan are changing the shape of the future: we are looking to invite major partners to realize our vision.