Graduation process for Robotics students

For MS Students

Per the Robotics Grad Manual, a student who has fulfilled all degree requirements must apply for graduation in the term in which completion is expected and will be prohibited from further enrollment. 

Once the student has Applied for Graduation they must submit the completed and signed MS Degree Worksheet to

PhD Embedded MS

Students who enter the PhD Program without a master’s degree in Robotics may decide to have a MS degree in Robotics conferred once they have completed the degree requirements. Students should inform the Robotics SSO that they would like the master’s degree conferred. The Graduate Coordinator will request that the Registrar’s Office add the MS program to the student’s record. The student is then required to apply for graduation via the Wolverine Access system. 

Once the student has Applied for Graduation they must submit the completed and signed MS Degree Worksheet to

Deadlines to Apply for Graduation

The deadline for having a name printed in the commencement booklet is typically the first weeks of October (for Fall/December graduation) and March (for May/Winter graduation).  The final deadline to apply for graduation is the last day of classes in the term in which the degree will be conferred. The Robotics SSO will communicate these dates to Robotics students via email.  For more details:

More information on Diplomas and Commencement can be found on Rackham’s Commencement and Eligibility page.

The Robotics Department typically hosts an informal Commencement celebration the day before Spring Commencement. More information will be released via email as soon as it becomes available.

After Graduation

Please visit Rackham’s website for information on Insurance Coverage and Access to Campus Services After Graduation.